Vivekananda Institute
Booking Screen
The Vivekananda Institute was built by the Railways at Halisahar after approval from the CPO, Eastern Railway on 09th July 1972, on the southern side of the workshop, for recreation of the staff who were residents of Halisahar and other Railway Quarters (Presently named as Bhulbagan area).
Details of Venue for Booking:
- Front open area with Stage outside.
- A Hall with a Stage attached.
- Toilet
Vice President: Dy. CMM/HLR
SECRETARY: Saibal Chakraborty (Ph:6290536037)
1. The Railway Administration reserves the right to approve or decline any
booking at its discretion, as required.
2. The Earnest money deposit of Rs.500 will be required to ensure the
applicant’s genuineness.
3. No refund of earnest money will be provided, Applicants are advised to apply
4. In case of any damage to the property of the Railway Institute, a deduction
from the Caution Money will be made based on the extent of the damage.